13 years ago, i met a man from the desert in a truck stop outside burbank california. he was shitting in the urinal there. i knew right then he had the right ideas about the world. In that moment, i realized there is no gray. there is only black (fake piss) and white (true shit) in this world.
fast forward a decade, and i've had 3 people try to kill me! they didn't like what i had to say! but who is that on the rafters? is that coleman (The man from burbank)? he saved me from those 3 angry men who had it out for my skin. True shit comes in all forms, often brotherhood.
after we got the team together, I caught a pigeon and trained it to speak on the microphone because no one else would consider it.
within the overflowing valley of fakepiss threatening to drown me in its wake, i found myself floating on the surface tension. i am immune to its effects, and so it is my duty, as well as everyone elses, to impart this protection upon the world. we can defy the fakepiss news media, we can overcome. TRUE SHIT WILL ARISE.
Famous and mentally unstable host of the #trueshit podcast. has a lot of money. profoundly mentally retarded.
Second in command on the podcast. ethically and intellictually questionable, though delightfully complimentary to the doogie.
A bird I trained to talk because no one else would come on the podcast.
Company placed member to promote Season 22 of Family Guy.
Watch Season 22 of Family on Fox!
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